Our team

When good people meet, good things will follow.

We work with a core team that makes the everyday work of Better Future run smoothly and is always available for contact. Next to that we work with a talented and diverse pool of freelance associates, that we match specifically to the needs of your organization.

Annemarie de Jong

Director and co-owner Better Future

Daria Ofman

Co-owner Better Future

Larissa Rand

Change Consultant & Process Facilitator

Lieke Veldhuis


Robert van Veen

Finance and business operations

Frederique Veldhuis

Freelance Associate

Salmaan Sana

Freelance Associate

Eric-Jan Rijnierse

Freelance Associate

Bernice Feller-Thijm

Freelance Associate

Magdalena Szumna

Freelance Associate

Coen Koomen

Freelance Associate

Mariola Wolters

Freelance Associate

Michel Barth

Freelance Associate

Chai Locher

Freelance Associate